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Religious & Blasphemy Obsessions

Religious or blasphemy OCD, also known as scrupulosity, is a subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) characterised by intrusive and distressing thoughts related to religious or moral concerns. Individuals with religious OCD experience intense anxiety, guilt, or fear associated with perceived violations of religious or moral principles. Read below for more information.

Symptoms of Religious & Blasphemy OCD


a. Blasphemous Thoughts: Intrusive thoughts or images involving religious figures, symbols, or actions perceived as sacrilegious or blasphemous. Individuals may fear offending deities, religious figures, or violating sacred texts.

b. Fear of Sin: Obsessions about committing sins, with an intense fear of divine punishment or consequences. Individuals may worry about unintentional or intrusive thoughts that go against religious teachings.

c. Moral Transgressions: Obsessions about violating moral or ethical principles, with a heightened sense of responsibility and guilt. Individuals may fear being judged negatively by a higher power.

d. Religious Rituals and Rules: Excessive preoccupation with adhering to religious rituals, rules, or codes of conduct. Individuals may engage in rituals to seek forgiveness or alleviate anxiety related to perceived transgressions.


Compulsive Behaviours:

a. Excessive Prayer: Engaging in repetitive or excessive prayer rituals as a way to seek reassurance, ask for forgiveness, or alleviate guilt associated with blasphemous thoughts. Individuals with this form of OCD may even engage in compulsive prayer despite being irreligious due to intolerance of uncertainty "just in case". 

b. Confession: Excessive confessing of perceived sins or transgressions, seeking reassurance from religious figures, friends, or family members about one's moral standing.

c. Avoidance of Religious Symbols or Places: Avoidance of religious symbols, places of worship, or activities that trigger obsessions to prevent potential religious or moral transgressions.

d. Mental Rituals: Engaging in mental rituals, such as mental prayers, counting, or repeating phrases, to neutralise blasphemous thoughts or alleviate anxiety.


Impact on Daily Life:

a. Interference with Religious Practices: Religious OCD can interfere with an individual's ability to engage in religious practices genuinely and with spiritual fulfilment, as rituals may become driven by anxiety rather than faith.

b. Social Isolation: Individuals with religious OCD may withdraw from religious communities or avoid social interactions to prevent potential judgment or criticism.

c. Emotional Distress: The intense anxiety, guilt, or fear associated with religious or blasphemy OCD can lead to emotional distress, impacting overall well-being and causing significant discomfort.

Page Author: Caspar Wenn,
The OCS Clinic Director & Principal Psychologist

Photo of OCS Clinic director Caspar Wenn
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